Head of ASMLA hails the latest attack on regime oil facilities

Habib Jaber, the head of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz (ASMLA) has stated that the recent operation is carried out by ASMLA's military wing, which attacked a major oil field in Ahwaz.
He said the regime employs the massive resources devoured from the Arab Ahwaz region in financing its destructive projects.
In an interview on Ahwazna satellite channel, he congratulated ASMLA for the attack, saying the oil facilities in Ramez city are vital in the area since the regime depends on them in exporting oil through Dalamoun(Deylam)port to overseas.
He asserted the operation is a cumbersome blow to the regime, citing the huge fire that broke out after the attack.
"If you look at the images posted in the aftermath of the attack, you will see huge fire going up from the scene. There are dozens of oil pipelines extended to the wells there," Jaber said.
He also stressed the oil supplies were cut off after the attack, barring the exportation of thousands of barrels abroad.
"The money generated from these wells is used to finance the Iranian terrorism. The regime hires them against our brotherly people in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq."
He added that the Iranian regime would not be able to go ahead with its schemes if it did not siphon off the Ahwazi resources.
On the recent protests that swept across Iran, Jaber affirmed that the economy is the principal reason for these demonstrations.
"The Iranian economy is in tatters. These protests were called 'protests of empty stomachs," ASMLA chief noted.
He said the attacks waged by the Ahwazi resistance movement on the Iranian vital economic interests will help in weakening the regime, and rendering its demise nearer.
According to Jaber, in the coming days and weeks, the Ahwazi resistance will target more oil and gas facilities.
He went on to say the Ahwazi resources are channeled to the IRGC projects.
"We aid the international community to face the Iranian terror. The economic interests and the oil facilities provide a colossal source of funding for the Iranian terror," he explained.
Jabber stressed that this operation will not be the last one.
He also indicated to the Iranian banks, saying they are no longer civilian institutions. They are tools managed by the IRGC to enforce the regime's schemes.
As to the operations of the ASMLA wing, he said the brigades' command did not change its plans, which, at the time being, launch attacks on the regime within the Ahwazi territories.
But he said this strategy may be altered in the future.
Jabber yet argued that the tactics of the resistance did not see substantial changes over the past decade.
"We conduct such operations to serve the political agenda of the resistance, he said, noting: “At times you see the resistance stepping up its attack on the regime targets. And at others, you see fewer activities being carried out in this respect."
He underlined that resistance is not confined to using the military means. "Resistance includes aspects related to politics, media, economy, security and those relating to raising awareness."
He concluded that all these aspects combined constitute the agenda of ASMLA.